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Executive Coaching
Coaching for the Coach
For especially experienced leaders who have achieved a senior-level position
within their organizations, it can be lonely at the top. You are expected
to have, if not all of the answers, the bulk of them—immediately and correctly.
You have few people, if anyone, to share your frustrations with, safely voice concerns
about your own skills and stamina, and bounce ideas off regarding huge upcoming
opportunities. You are likely out of balance, spending too much time in your professional life, at least mentally and emotionally. Executive
Coaching provides both support and challenge to assist you in better understanding
your personal strengths as well as areas for improvement. Through dialogue
and appropriate assessment of personal values and purpose, NCSA guides you
in creating and implementing your personal development plan, which then
allows you to balance your personal and professional lives, fulfilling both—leading
to enhanced overall organizational performance and personal satisfaction.
NCSA has designed the workshop to be conducted in periodic work sessions
based on the focus at that time, associated activities and individual needs.
You are too important to your family and to your organization to miss the
opportunity for assuring work-life balance through NCSA's Executive Coaching.
Empower—Take the Risk
Empowerment is risky. Today's workplace requires employees who can make
decisions; invent solutions to problems; take initiative and be accountable
for results; and nurture and support other employees who feel responsible not just
for doing their jobs, but also for making the whole organization better.
This workshop will create practical application around:
Practical Application of the Decision-Making Process
Technology will never replace the leader or supervisor's need to make decisions.
Decision-making involves uncertainty, risk-taking and intuition. Not every
situation requires an equal depth of study and analysis; however, every
problem has the same baseline considerations. In this workshop, participants
will proceed through a linear step-by-step decision-making process. They
will discover an efficient and effective approach that will take them from
true problem identification to decision effectiveness evaluation. This approach
provides consistency in dealing with problems and decisions of all areas and
Effective Strategies for Change Management
Personalizing the Change Management Model
Change is inevitable and necessary in everyone's life. The challenge in managing change is that its timing and pace often do not coincide with the scope or timing that is ideal for each of us. Most of us have some understanding of the basics of change management concepts—but because we don't have a full understanding of the how and why, as well as what to do when change occurs, it can often be overwhelming, and in extreme cases even debilitating, to our ability to perform. In this workshop, participants will:
Successful Coaching in a Dynamic Work Environment
One of the most critical roles of every leader is that of effectively coaching
employees to greater performance and satisfaction—personally and professionally.
Too often, opportunities are missed by leaders to share performance-improvement
opportunities with employees. This often happens because we do not have
a simple, structured approach to coaching our employees. The net results
are lower levels of productivity, coupled with a reduction in overall employee
satisfaction. This workshop provides leaders, managers and supervisors the
tools to strengthen overall coaching abilities. In this workshop participants
Creating an Environment Where People Want and Can Be Productive
Creating an environment where people want to be productive requires understanding
the key elements of motivation, identifying what can be done to create a
motivating environment and creating the circumstances that allow motivation
to consistently occur. Role modeling motivation is critical for leadership
in order to expect staff to feel and act on it. While it is important
to have some sense of the theory behind successful motivation, this workshop
will boil down years of research to practical application and cover how to:
Critical / Innovative Thinking
Developing the Characteristics of Excellent Critical Thinking
Some people are natural-born critical thinkers; others can be nurtured to
develop the skill. We know that the most successful people are accomplished, aware
critical thinkers—which means they have spent some time understanding and
enhancing that skill. Unfortunately, most people rarely give the concept
of critical thinking, in and of itself, much thought. We don't appropriately
understand its characteristics and application or our own personal
level of skill and how to improve it. We are, therefore, missing the opportunity
to progress—personally and professionally. In this workshop, you will (re)learn
the characteristics of critical thinkers and how to identify the personal
factors that affect our ability to think critically. Understanding the organizational
impact of decision-making, why it is important to use an objective process
to make crucial decisions, and which tools to use to analyze problems and identify
criteria for decisions are all part of an accomplished critical thinker.
A standardized problem-solving process drives a successful critical thinking
outcome. In this workshop, participants will:
Clearheaded and Refreshed: Simple Tools to Manage Stress
We all need simple tools to manage our stress. The better we understand
the stressors that affect us, the more effective we will be in coping with
workplace and general life events in an appropriate and healthy manner.
Everyone should periodically examine how they handle stress and where improvement
can be made. In this workshop participants will:
Valuing Our Differences
Promoting and accomplishing a diverse workplace goes beyond simply communicating
between groups. Enhancing diversity awareness enables us to work successfully
in a cross-categorical–based culture to improve our business as well as
personal success. For legal, ethical and moral reasons, we must become more
diverse in our attitudes and practices. But this workshop takes us beyond
those requirements to embracing a gratifying understanding of diversity
and why we must capitalize on it. In this workshop, participants will:
Working with a Multigenerational
For the first time in history, the U.S. workforce is made up solidly of
four generations and in some venues, up to five. People are staying in the
workforce longer out of financial need as well as personal desire. The nature
of work itself continues to evolve, and members of the different generations
have subtle and not-so-subtle differences in how they go about accomplishing
their work-related tasks. By exploring workforce generational diversity,
learning how to appreciate one another, and capitalizing on what each naturally
and comfortably brings to the table, we greatly enhance the likelihood we
will enjoy our work life personally and be more productive. In this workshop
participants will:
Harnessing Personality Differences
for Successful Outcomes
Understanding how personalities impact behaviors and knowing how to interact
with those different personalities is critical to our daily satisfaction
at work and elsewhere in life. Personalities are everywhere and we don't
necessarily enjoy all of them. Building effective personality understanding
and awareness is the focus of the workshop. In this workshop participants will: