National Customer Service Association
National Customer Service Association
...Customer First
National Customer Service Week 2021!

National Customer Service Week 2023!
Celebrating the heart of your organization

National Customer Service Week, October 2–6, 2023, is our annual opportunity to recognize and honor all of the essential people on the front lines who truly make our organizations shine. Let's celebrate those who keep our customers coming back, year after year—the true heroes of every organization!

The NCSA is excited to mark this occasion with the National Customer Service Week 2023 NCSA Sweepstakes, including a certification grand prize and two runner-up cash prizes as detailed below. Scroll down for ideas on how to celebrate NCSW in your organization!

The grand prize package includes:

Two (2) runner-up prizes include:

  • A $100 VISA gift card

To enter the sweepstakes, simply email your name and phone number by October 6, 2023, to*

Anyone may enter, regardless of NCSA membership status. We will announce the winner following National Customer Service Week.

* Contestant email addresses and phone numbers will be kept strictly confidential and used solely for the purpose of notifying the winner of the Sweepstakes.

How to celebrate National Customer Service Week

Recognizing your customer service professionals can be done in a wide variety of ways, whatever your budget and time constraints. Be sure to show your team just how much you appreciate them, this week, and all year!

Here are some fun ideas for celebrating National Customer Service Week in your organization:
  1. Handwritten thank you notes. Taking a moment to express your gratitude to each of your customer service professionals in a personal, handwritten note goes a long way!
  2. Decorate workspaces. Whether in-office or at home, workspaces can be creatively decorated by individuals or teams with banners, balloons, signs, etc. Award a prize for the best one!
  3. Award certificates. Create and print out certificates for each of your customer service professionals, recognizing an achievement they have accomplished.
  4. Guessing contest. Fill a glass jar with candies, nuts, or fruits, and let staff guess the number of items. Award the closest guess with a prize such as a gift card, lunch with a leader, etc. (Don’t forget to share the treats inside afterwards!)
  5. Random acts of kindness. Enroll company leaders to perform a special gesture customized for each team member.
  6. Lunch by other departments. Invite other departments in your organization to provide lunch or other treats to your customer service team in appreciation for their assistance throughout the year. If they can join, either in person or virtually, even better!
  7. Coffee, ice cream, or pizza. Showing appreciation can be as simple as treating your team to some coffee, ice cream, or a pizza party!
  8. Inspiring gifts. Hand out candy or trail mix with a motivational customer service quote every morning of the week to each of your customer service professionals.
  9. Bingo or trivia. Either in-person or virtually, host a bingo or trivia game for your customer service professionals. All the materials can be found online. Award gift cards or other tokens or privileges to the winner.
  10. Logo items. Reward your team with logo mugs, t-shirts, or other useful or fun items.  
  11. Theme day. Choose a popular movie, vacation destination, or other theme, decorate the workspace and have the team dress up, take pictures, and make videos!

We would enjoy hearing how you celebrate your customer service professionals. Please send stories and pictures of your National Customer Service Week activities to Let us know if we can assist you in any way.

Have fun and good luck!


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